As maravilhas do Mundo e da Vida descortinam-se através de palavras que se multiplicam à procura de fazer sentido...

quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2008

Is it really that hard to be happy?

What is living all about? You spend most of your life thinking that your existence is all about looking for love; later on you think that it is all about looking for money... until one day you really think and you realize that even if you have both things you still manage to screw your life up to a point when you have to look for something else to feel sad! You are never happy, no matter how much you achieve! Why do we have this need to never really feel complete? I try to do that, but when nobody else does that it's like they are trying hard to make sure that it won´t happen... nobody wants to just feel happy, they want to live a miserable life so they can tell everyone how hard their life was and how they had to fight; what they don't see is that they were really fighting against themselves all the time! Is it because everyone thinks they they should be as the others? Unhappy, with no confidence in yourself, always screaming to the wind that you are the one with no luck, with all the problems? Have you ever considered taking the time to think about the good things that happen? To take the time to think about the smiles you had and you can have again if you bother to stop thinking that all the bad things in the world are out to get you? How is it possible that some people have really no luck in life and still manage to wear a smile? Isn't it spitting on their face when you are crying about not having money to buy that CD, not being able to visit another country, not being able to go to the cinema because you have other obligations or because someone didn't say "Hi" to you or your friend wasn't in the mood to listen to what you had to say? I think it is! I'm fed up with feeling bad energy around me! You have to suffer not only with your own problems but also with the problems that everyone else is so eager to make sure everyone sees, or even with the problems they invent! It's fashionable to say that you're not happy, something is wrong! Even if it is the canteen food, even if it really wasn't that bad but what would someone think if you said something like "I like the canteen food!", "I like living!", "I like to feel happy!", "I like myself!". Nowadays people are not ready to hear such things, they criticize people who say that! Being with a sad face and complaining about life is a question of "status", if you don't do it you're "out"! Take the time to breathe, to enjoy life, to think about the good things that happen to you and free the world of the bad energy that is everywhere we go! We deserve more than a world that only thinks about what we didn't get, what we didn't find, what we couldn't do! Don't you agree?


3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

I totally agree you when you say that people are allways unsatisfied and they can't realise the goo things that happen in their life. It is something that allways bothered me and it still does.
I must confess that i was a bit surprised when i read this post, speacially this sentence i quote...

Zhews said: "I'm fed up with feeling bad energy around me! You have to suffer not only with your own problems but also with the problems that everyone else is so eager to make sure everyone sees, or even with the problems they invent!"


I must say i would never imagine you would say something like this. I could see myself saying that. In fact, i have thought about this lots of times but you saying this?? WOW For me it's a sign that something is changing in your mind; i dont know if it's good or bad, but in the future we will see.

But one thing i am sure...You are not talking about me!! lolol

Zhews disse...

I don't have a problem with people sharing their problems, my problem is with people sharing things that were never really a problem! Not many years ago we were always with a smile and we would only ask friends to help us with "real" problems, that is what we're here for. But once we've started talking every single minute about sh** problems, like we didn't have time to catch the bus, we lost 1€, a guy wasn't that nice so my life is a mess and I'm the most unlucky man on the planet, that is too much to handle! People are more worried nowadays to tell everyone how unhappy they are! If something goes well, you hear about it two weeks later, if something (stupid) goes wrong, you know a minute later! The real problem isn't always hearing about other people's problems, the real problem is that they really believe all their life is a problem because that's all they talk about! When a guy smiles and is nice to you, when you find 1€, if you just got the bus before it left, nobody knows about it! We need to hear those things! We need to feel that life is more than small problems turned into wars that never needed to happen! People are not just boxing bags that you can use to dump all your problems, people are also mirrors that find happiness in the smiles you have. We should we just show them tears?

Anónimo disse...

"O vosso rosto é o reflexo, a soma, das qualidades e dos defeitos que alimentastes nas vossas encarnações anteriores e que se imprimiram nele. Se não estais contentes com esse rosto, agora pouco podeis mudá-lo; por isso, não vos ocupeis dele. Ocupai-vos do outro rosto, o vosso rosto interior, que é a origem do rosto físico. Se o melhorardes conscientemente, talvez ninguém à vossa volta se aperceba disso, mas os anjos vê-lo-ão e vós recebereis as suas bênçãos. É claro que o vosso rosto físico não se modificará imediatamente, mas, algum tempo depois, a sua resistência cederá sob o impulso do outro, pois o rosto da alma é poderoso e acaba por impor os seus traços."

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