As maravilhas do Mundo e da Vida descortinam-se através de palavras que se multiplicam à procura de fazer sentido...

segunda-feira, 28 de abril de 2008

One step closer...

It is hard to figure out whether you should live for the present or for the future! I mean, one day everyone is telling you that you should seize the moment, the other they are telling you to take it easy, you should think about the future! This may seem pointless, but consider your life:

If you choose work over love, you are considering the future; if you choose love over work, you are seizing the moment;

If you feel happy and scream in the middle of the street to show it, you are seizing the moment; if you choose to shut up, you are thinking about the future because someone might see you and think badly of you;

If you buy that thing you have always wanted, you are seizing the moment; if you don't buy it and save the money, you are thinking about the future!

As you see, sometimes one thing prevents the other from happening, so it is a difficult decision to make! Your heart puts pressure on you to enjoy life the best you can, society pressures you to think about the future and measure the consequences of all that you do. It is very hard to make a choice; I make a different choice in different situations. Sometimes it's all about the moment, other times it's all about the future. I confess most times it's about the future, it scares me that all this hard choices could be of no use to me! The future sometimes turns out to be so different, sometimes it doesn't even come... what will you think on those last few moments? I've lived a full life? I've been preparing to live a full life and never had the chance to do it? On the other hand, if future does come, what will you think? I didn't take the proper measures to have a peaceful future, now I'm paying for it? Finally I have the peace I've always wanted, thank God I made those difficult choices in the past? Nobody knows what will happen, so nobody knows what they will think. I will go on making the easier choices and hopping the hard ones were correct, what else can I do?

Should we content with being one step closer but not knowing if we'll ever get there, or should we take the final step towards everything we want not knowing if that means that in the future we could lose everything?

If you have a solution to this, please share it with me! I see no other way!



2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Isto está mesmo a ficar muito INTERNACIONAL!!! Também tenho que comentar em inglês?? OK!!! No problem. It´s a cool way to practice my English.
My friend...Choosing between the present or the future never was an easy decision, but that's what life is all about: Making decisions. I'm one of those people thay say that it is better to regret something that we have done than regreting about something we never did...We should seize the moment but without compromising the future.This balance is not always easy to reach. Like everithing in nature the right balance is somewhere in the middle :) For instance, i've been thinking about taking 15 day luxury cruise in the mediterranian in the summer hollidays. It's something that I always wanted to do and , in the present ,it is something that I can afford without much effort, but because i have other plans for the future i'll probably just go camping and, if i have company, go on an Interrail because it is much cheaper and the money i save will allow me to do other things in the futere. Although i can make sacrifices, i refuse not enjoy life, because we just don't know what's arround the corner. There are some people that take this to the extreme. For example not going to the cinema or eat out with the girlfriend because they want to get married and buy a house...This is not racional because the money that you save is very small compared with the money you need to buy a house. Anothe interesting example is the Sporting football team. We allways say that Sporting is a team that has a bright future ahead of them but they never have a tam that can win now. This happens because when the players mature enough to play for titles they sell them.
I've said to you before and i'll tell you again...Life is about expectacions and you have to consider them when you are making choices. Everything we do now has an impact in the future and whan you're facing a decision you have to imagine how it will reflect itself in the future and choose the best solution.
The most important thing that i can tell you is not to let yourself be guided by what other people think. They are not living your life..YOU ARE!!!! You are the best person to think what is best for yourself. Don't let the "society own you".

Angélica Carmo disse...

Hello!! Long time no see!!

Just came by to see how you're doing and to let you know that I'm living happily, seizing every moment that I can!!! :D
